

Breathwork is the process of using conscious continual breathing in order to release stuck emotions, trauma, and pain in the body. Benefits include anxiety and stress relief, nervous system regulation, feeling more connected to your body, more energy and clarity, and feeling more connected to your intuition.

Sessions are about 60 minutes and are done over Zoom.


PSYCH-K® is a tool to rewrite subconscious beliefs from any area of life- physical and emotional health, relationships, career, self-worth, etc.

Sessions are about 45 minutes and are done over Zoom.

Human Design

Human Design is a system that shows your energetic blueprint. Using your birth time and location, we pull up a chart that is unique to you. From this chart, we can empower you to live more in alignment.

When you book a coaching package, a Human Design reading can count as one of your coaching sessions.

  • From your chart, we can empower you to live more in alignment through:

    • Your energy type: how your energy functions, how you best interact with the world

    • Your strategy: how to make things happen

    • Your authority: how to best make decisions

    • Your personality profile

    • Your emotions: how you feel things

    • Your gifts…and more