Somatic Coaching

The word “somatic” comes from the Greek root “soma,” which means “in the body.”

Somatic sessions work on several levels of healing. We talk about what’s coming up for you (mental), the sensations and emotions present in your body (emotional), and shifts in these sensations/emotions (energetic.)

Somatic work is based on the idea that the body holds wisdom and intelligence. Working on both a mind and body level allows for deeper layers of healing and greater levels of transformation than the mind alone.

How does somatic coaching work?

Somatic work helps you become more aware of your body, the root cause of what’s holding you back, how to regulate your nervous system, and how to connect more to your body and intuition. 

Somatic coaching is for you if:

  • You feel stuck in any area of your life

  • Talk therapy has been helpful, but you feel like something is missing

  • You want to feel more connected to your body and intuition

  • You want to feel more safe in your body

  • You want to regulate your nervous system

  • You want to heal the root cause of anxiety

  • You want to become aware of patterns and beliefs that are affecting you

What to expect during your coaching session:

Sessions are about 60 minutes. We usually start with a grounding exercise to become more present, create an intention for the session, and then use a variety of tools and exercises. We may use tools such as inner child work and parts work to become more aware of patterns and beliefs that are keeping you stuck, and tools such as breath, movement, or sound to release energy from the body. We go at the pace that feels most comfortable to you. 

Sessions are about 60 minutes.